This morning the SAMPHIRE team of marine archaeologists from WA C&M's Edinburgh office are beginning the main leg of this year's diving fieldwork on the west coast of Scotland. We will be investigating the submerged shipwrecks, aircraft and submerged peats around Skye, Eigg and the Firth of Lorn. Our dive team includes Scottish volunteers and international partners from Flinders University. This year's itinerary follows up the 2013 campaign which focused on the NW mainland, and the OHCCMAPP (2011-2012) that examined the Outer Hebrides. This year, the community engagement and meeting with local residents and stakeholders was once again successful, and the dive team hope to visit sites that have been described by divers, fishermen, beach-combers and people generally interested in underwater archaeology and maritime heritage.
The SAMPHIRE team will be blogging and tweeting (as signal permits!) and we will keep progress reports as up-to-date as possible via the project blog.