Registered Charity
Charitable Aim:
Our charitable aims are the advancement of education, and the advancement of the arts, culture, heritage and science.
Magnifying Public Benefit
Our activities aim to deliver public benefit by gathering and creating knowledge about the past, interpreting and disseminating it. We help bring the past into the present, where it is valued as our cultural heritage.
Cultural heritage contributes to a sense of place; to community identity and enhances appreciation of the environment in which we live. It is both tangible and intangible: each contributing to social capital, making our communities more self-reliant and dynamic. Our work enhances social inclusion and cohesion, promotes cultural diversity and contributes to economic, social and physical regeneration.
The sustainability of our cultural heritage depends on managing, conserving and protecting the historic environment, balanced against the needs of the present and future. As part of this process we record and interpret the physical attributes of the cultural heritage – historic buildings and structures, landscapes and seascapes, and archaeological remains – in response to the changes brought by development or management priorities. This work is delivered as individual projects and the interpretations of these are disseminated through written reports, public talks and displays, education projects, the web and broadcast media. Scholarly works are also published, and the finds and archives from fieldwork are preserved by museums, archive stores and digital repositories.
The process of providing these services, and the discoveries and interpretations made, help to replenish and renew the value of cultural heritage for our communities. As a result, the beneficiaries of our work encompass a wide spectrum of communities and groups across the globe. In addition to the organisations or individuals commissioning the work, beneficiaries include fellow heritage professionals; individuals using reports and digital resources; local communities; special interest groups; teachers and students in all sectors of education; disadvantaged groups such as young offenders; disabled individuals and young carers.
Structure, Governance and Management
Wessex Archaeology Limited is a registered charity and is incorporated as a company limited by guarantee and without a share capital. The governing document is its Memorandum and Articles of Association, amended by replacement with a new document and a resolution dated 2/5/2014. Members of the charitable company may vote at general meetings and their liability for its debts is limited to £10 each. There are currently eight members and the maximum number is twenty.
On appointment, all Directors of the Company also become Trustees of the charitable company. The procedure for appointment of the Directors and Trustees is described in the charitable company’s Articles of Association. Trustees are appointed by ordinary resolution in general meetings. All Trustees appointed for the first time must be recommended by other Trustees, who may approve such appointments. Any new Trustees appointed by the other Trustees, retire at the next annual meeting at which Trustees are required to retire, and may then be considered for re-election by the Members. New Trustees spend time at one of the charitable company’s offices at the beginning of their appointment. Their induction day includes meetings with the charitable company’s Chief Executive and with the Chairman of Trustees. The induction day aims to familiarise new Trustees with the work of the charitable company and its aims and objectives. Further training and awareness-raising is provided by the Company Secretary or Chief Executive as appropriate.
The Trustees are responsible for the overall strategic direction and policy objectives of the charitable company. Day-to-day management is delegated to the Chief Executive and the other Principal Officers. The key points on delegation are set out in a Board policy statement on authorisation levels and delegated powers, which is supported by a more detailed Management Protocol.
To find out more about our Trustees use the filter on the Teams profile page here.