Eagle-eyed readers of our website might have noticed a new addition underneath the last paragraph of most pages.  It is a little link saying "Share This". Clicking the link allows you to email the page to a friend, or add it to your favourite social networking website such as Facebook, MySpace, Delicious and StumbleUpon.

If you haven't seen what it looks like, here is a screenshot of the window that appears after link after it has been clicked:

If you are logged in to Facebook, for example, clicking the Facebook logo opens up a new window (or tab) in your web browser where you can describe the link and post it to your profile. 


If you want to blog about anything on our website, the Share This link helps to make this a bit easier. Just click the "Post" tab and click the logo of the service that you use to blog (or micro-blog). The usual services are there, such as Blogger, WordPress, Twitter, LiveJournal, etc. Clicking your service will either open a new window, or ask you to log in, and you'll be posting the page details to your blog in seconds. No details are held on our servers!

Sharing pages by email

If you just want to tell a friend about one of our pages by a more 'traditional' method, then you can click the "Send/Email" tab on the ShareThis window, and fill out your details and those of the person you want to send the page link to.

I hope that this little feature comes in handy!