51.101837711864, -1.7830896377563


Head Office
Wessex Archaeology
Portway House
Old Sarum Park


Heritage Consultancy

I am a Buildings Archaeologist on the heritage team, based in Salisbury which involves carrying out building assessments and heritage statements for planning applications as well as historic building recording. My work involves recording a wide range of building types and architectural periods such as post-medieval vernacular and country houses, farmhouses and agricultural buildings, 19th and 20th century military camp buildings and medieval churches including graveyard surveys. 

I am experienced in photography for building recording, including rectified photography and more recently photogrammetry as well as metric survey techniques using GPS and hand measuring techniques.

I have a particular interest in 19th century industrial and institutional buildings, cinemas, theatres and castle architecture and am motivated by a desire to reveal the history and provide better understanding of the buildings I record using select techniques to best present these archaeological results to a wide audience.

In my spare time, I have an avid interest in films and TV from a wide variety of genres and periods. I’m particularly curious about film soundtracks, locations and special effects techniques. I also visit historic attractions to indulge my interest in castles and industrial architecture.