Wessex Archaeology offers an outstanding in-house osteoarchaeology service, providing comprehensive cover of archaeological human remains and burial archaeology. The service benefits from unrivalled expertise in the study of cremated remains and ancient pyre technology.

Our osteoarchaeologists are well-versed in current guidelines, standards and legislation - many of which they wrote or contributed to - and have extensive field and laboratory experience covering varied mortuary deposits and practices across a wide temporal range. In collaboration with other professionals, teams and facilities, they deliver a comprehensive service from tender stage through to publication and deposition.

The service can also provide expert consultation, including various forms of outreach such lectures, one-day courses and television presentations.


Andrea Burgess

System Implementation Director

Andrea Burgess

Jacqueline McKinley

Principal Osteoarchaeologist

Jacqueline McKinley

Ceri Boston

Senior Osteoarchaeologist

Ceri Boston

Identification of human remains


On-site excavation & advice

Sample ID and procurement of scientific analysis

Cleaning, packaging and storage

Laboratory excavation

Specialist assessment

Specialist analysis

Contact our team today

+44 1722 326867

+44 1722 326867
Matt Leivers

Get in touch

Contact Matt Leivers, A303 Stonehenge Consultant Archaeologist

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