Our built heritage specialists have considerable experience in assisting development, alterations and extensions to listed buildings across the UK ranging from barn conversions to industrial factories. Our role includes providing advice and support to clients and architects throughout the design process to ensure that their proposals are appropriate to the significance of the building and stand the best chance of being granted listed building consent.
The team at Wessex Archaeology are skilled surveyors and as part of our historic buildings assessment we investigate the property and how it has evolved from construction to the present day. Once the proposals are finalised, the listed building application will require the support of a heritage statement which we can supply. This will present the results of the historic buildings assessment and consider any impact the proposals may have within the context of national, regional and local heritage planning policy.

Historic structure condition surveys
Historic building statements
Conservation area assessment and appraisal
Provision of documentation
Listed buildings
Listed building consent application
Consultation with conservation officer or architects

Get in touch
Contact Abby Bryant, Chief Commercial Officer