Our excavation at East Chisenbury with Operation Nightingale and Breaking Ground Heritage revealed a great selection of finds. Take a look at some of the particularly interesting artefacts: 
Ines Lopez Doriga found a small copper alloy figure. At present it is believed to probably be prehistoric, however as we are not certain our specialists will be investigating the object further.


Matt Smith uncovered a carved bone weaving implement; this tool has also been dated to the Early Iron Age and would have been used to push the thread tight when using a loom to weave cloth. 
A decorated spindlewhorl was uncovered by Lisa Miller. The object is made of fired clay and is dated to the Early Iron Age. Spindlewhorls were used to maintain or increase the speed of the fibres being spun by a spindle.
A Roman coin which has been identified as a dupondius of Vespasian c. 69–79 AD was uncovered by David Norcott.
Wessex Archaeology’s team of volunteers are currently processing the rest of the finds from the excavation and we are looking forward to seeing what more the clean finds reveal about this unique and important site.