Marine Industry & Submerged Prehistoric Archaeology

Wessex Archaeology would like to congratulate the SPLASHCOS chair on a successful and extremely positive step in helping to build an international community of enthusiastic practitioners and for providing training outlets in various locations including Denmark and Israel. Our staff have taken the opportunity to participate in these short term scientific missions and WA Coastal & Marine has had representation at every SPLASHCOS meeting throughout the EU. WA staff also helped to facilitate the SPLASHCOS UK meeting held in Edinburgh in 2011.
Our friends at the Maritime Archaeology Trust have put together a very nice brochure on SPLASHCOS to coincide with the successful completion of the COST Action (TD-0902). The focus of the short booklet, as the title suggests, is Marine Industry & Submerged Prehistoric Archaeology, which intended to introduce the subject of Submerged Prehistory to as wide an audience as possible. It is a very nice introduction of various activity concerned with the field throughout Europe, from policy to industry and a few case studies. Wessex Archaeology’s input to the field has been highlighted throughout this document (pages 2,  4, 7, 8). The updated and more precise information on Area 240 can be found on our project blog, which corrects a few of the errors (related to location and date) which were unfortunately published in the brochure. More precise and scientific content of this site can be found online, in publication and in a new monograph which is scheduled for release in 2014.
As involved members of the community of practitioners and researchers, quaternary geologists and marine archaeologists actively working in the field of submerged prehistory, we look forward to building on the success of SPLASHCOS – the effects of which can already be seen beyond the EU. For more information please visit the SPLASHCOS website and ‘like’ the SPLASHCOS Facebook page. An online reference collection can also be found on Mendeley, an ideal resource for students and researchers.
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