On Friday, Euan McNeill of Coastal & Marine delivered a belated Christmas present to Patch Harvey, Coxswain of the Penlee Lifeboat at RNLI Penlee Lifeboat Station, Newlyn, Cornwall. 
This £70 donation was created from money saved through sending e-cards instead of traditional Christmas cards to friends and clients in 2014.
As a team that has been working offshore for over 25 years, Wessex Archaeology Coastal & Marine know all too well the risks of the sea, and put considerable resources into avoiding them through training and support for our dive and geophysical survey teams. 
Euan says, ‘The RNLI crews, all of whom are volunteers, risk their lives every time they go out to sea to assist those in danger. We are eternally grateful to them for that courage and altruism. As they say, they are ordinary people, doing extraordinary things, and we hope this donation goes some small way to allow them to continue the incredible work that they do.  We have worked in the area covered by the Penlee Lifeboat crew and are pleased to support the efforts they are making to improve their Newlyn facilities.’
By Gemma Ingason – Archaeologist Coastal & Marine
See if you can spot Rudolph on last year’s Christmas card (YouTube Link), which put a festive bent on one of the Neolithic houses excavated by our team at Kingsmead Quarry, Horton.