Wessex Archaeology Open Library
Simply follow the link below to explore our archive.
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Our grey-literature reports are published and can be accessed on the Archaeological Data Service.
The Margin Walkers – Monograph –WA Ref: 115293
Patrick Daniel 2023 The Margin Walkers: Prehistoric and Romano-British Remains at the East Midlands Gateway Logistics Park. Sheffield, Wessex Archaeology
Available from The Great British Bookshop
The Archaeology of the Hornsea Project One Offshore Windfarm Cable Route – Monograph – WA Ref: 221790
Ashley Tuck 2023 The Archaeology of the Hornsea Project One Offshore Windfarm Cable Route: Agriculture, Settlement, Moats and Saltworking in the Lincolnshire Marshes. Sheffield, Wessex Archaeology
Available from The Great British Bookshop
Joining the Dots, Wiltshire – Book – WA Ref: 209950
Phil Harding with Lorrain Higbee and Lorraine Mepham 2022 Joining the Dots: uniting Salisbury’s past through holes in the ground. Salisbury, Wessex Archaeology
Available from Amazon, Waterstones, Book Depository
Retailers wishing to stock this book can order from Independent Bookstore or Gardners
The Warden's Stables, Winchester – Journal – WA Ref: 103341
Phil Andrews 2022 The Warden's Stables, Winchester College: Archaeological Monitoring and Building Recording 2015–16. Hampshire Studies 77, 91–103
Clydach Gorge, Blaenau Gwent – Journal – WA Ref: 107390
Phil Andrews 2022 Industry and Settlement in the Clydach Gorge, Blaenau Gwent/Monmouthshire: Archaeological Investigations along the A465 Heads of the Valleys Road Dualling Scheme. Archaeol. in Wales 60, 65–78
Former MoD Lyneham, Wiltshire – Journal – WA Ref: 200920
Phil Andrews 2022 An Iron Age–Roman-British Rural Landscape at Former MoD Lyneham, Wiltshire. The Wiltshire Archaeol. and Natural Hist. Magazine 115, 146–212
Near Tull Way, Thatcham – Journal – WA Ref: 117961
Stephen Beach and Benjamin Cullen 2022 Romano-British Edge-of-Settlement Activity and Field Systems, near Tull Way, Thatcham, Berkshire. Berkshire Archaeol. J. 86, 121–142
St Andrew's Church, Castle Combe, Wiltshire – Journal – WA Ref: 114790
Kristoffer Conlin, Kirsten Egging Dinwiddy, Bob Clarke and Finn Cresswell with Lorraine Mepham 2022 An Archaeological Investigation at St Andrew's Church, Castle Combe, Wiltshire. The Wiltshire Archaeol. and Natural Hist. Magazine 115, 276–284
Former Grove School and Arts Centre, Dorchester – Journal – WA Ref: 117172
Kirsten Dinwiddy 2022 Further Evidence for a Romano-British Cemetery in the Vicinity of the Grove: Investigations on the Site of the Former Grove School and Arts Centre, School Lane (now Sussex Court), Dorchester. Proc. of the Dorset Natural Hist. and Archaeol. Soc. 143, 171–192
Beddington Sewage Farm – Journal – WA Ref: 200590
László Lichtenstein and Tom Wells 2022 Excavations at Beddington Sewage Farm 1992–2009: Neolithic Pits, later Bronze Age Land Division and a Tudor Deer Park. Surrey Archaeological Collections 104, 69–128
Riding Court Farm, Datchet – Journal – WA Ref: 234402
John Powell 2022 Come, Friendly Bones, Flint and Pots… Dachet's Fit for the Neolithic Now: Recent Work at Riding Court Farm, Datchet. In Jonathan Last (ed) Marking Place: New Persepctives on Early Neolithic Enclosures: Neolithic Studies Group Seminar Papers 18, chapter 8 119–135.
Bailey Lane Works, Sheffield – Journal – WA Ref: 226163
Ashley Tuck 2022 Excavation of the Bailey Lane Works: 19th–20th century steelmaking, tool manufacture and worker's housing at the 'Grunwergs 2' site, Sheffield. Transactions of the Hunter Archaeological Society 31, 53–78
Fladbury Cross, Worcestershire – Journal – WA Ref: 214650
Tom Wells 2022 A Pennanular Enclosure with Associated Inhumation Grave and Iron Age Occupation at Fladbury Cross, Worcestershire. Transactions of the Worcestershire Archaeological Society 28, 1–21
Publications, Hampshire Field Club & Archaeological Society
Outseats Farm, Alfreton, Derbyshire – Journal – WA Ref: 208491
Ashley Tuck 2022 Agriculture at Outseats Farm, Alfreton: Iron Age Onion Couch, Medieval Enclosures and a Post-Medieval Farm. Derbyshire Archaeological Journal 141, 116–170
Marshall’s A and B Mills, Leeds – Journal – WA Ref: 210754
Ashley Tuck 2022 Marshall's A and B Mills – Early Industrial Flax Production in Leeds. Forum: the Journal of Council for British Archaeology Yorkshire 9
Partridge Fill Farm, Austerfield, Doncaster – Journal – WA Ref: 227261
Andrew Valdez-Tullett 2022 An Iron Age and Romano-British field system and settlement at Partridge Hill Farm, High Common Lane, Austerfield, South Yorkshire. Forum: the Journal of Council for British Archaeology Yorkshire 9
Highfields Farm, Derbyshire – Journal – WA Ref: 115471
Andrew Valdez-Tullett and Paula Whittaker 2022 Romano-British Settlement at Highfields Farm, Findern, Derby. Derbyshire Archaeological Journal 141, 32–115
Druids Lodge Polo Club, Near Salisbury, Wiltshire – Journal – WA Ref: 73703
Finn Cresswell 2021 Late Prehistoric and Romano-British Funerary and Settlement Activity at Druids Lodge Polo Club, Near Salisbury, Wiltshire. The Wiltshire Archaeol. and Natural Hist. Magazine 114, 218–226
Cranbourne Farm, Coombe Bissett, Wiltshire – Journal – WA Ref: 218471
Jacqueline I. McKinley 2021 Probable Late Romano-British/early post-Roman Burial Remains from Cranbourne Farm, Coombe Bissett, Wiltshire. The Wiltshire Archaeol. and Natural Hist. Magazine 114, 256–258
Western Way, Bowerhill, Melksham – Journal – WA Ref: 209441
John Powell 2021 Iron Age and Romano-British Features at Western Way, Bowerhill, Melksham. The Wiltshire Archaeol. and Natural Hist. Magazine 114, 227–235
Early 19th-Century Shipwreck from the Solent, Hampshire – Journal – WA Ref: 202920
Stephanie Said and Euan McNeill 2021 The Excavation, Recovery and Analysis of an Early 19th-Century Shipwreck from the Solent, Hampshire. Hampshire Studies 76, 147–164
Riding Court Farm, Datchet – Chapter – WA Ref: 234402
John Powell 2021 Come friendly bones, flint and pots… Datchet’s fit for the Neolithic now: recent work at Riding Court Farm, Datchet in Jonathan Last (ed.) Marking Place: New Perspectives on Early Neolithic Enclosures. Neolithic Studies Group Seminar Papers 18. Oxford: Oxbow Books
Crowdhill, Fair Oak, Eastleigh – Journal – WA Ref: 87714
Andrew B. Powell 2021 Late Mesolithic, Middle Bronze Age and Late Iron Age/Romano-British activity at Crowdhill, Fair Oak, Eastleigh, Proc Hampshire Field Club Archaeol Soc 76, 35–65.
East Chisenbury Midden – Journal – WA Ref: 70242
Phil Andrews 2021 East Chisenbury Midden 2015–17: further investigations of the late prehistoric midden deposits, enclosure and associated settlement. Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine 114, 84–121
Woolston Hulks – Journal – WA Ref: 229890
Paolo Croce, Toby Gane and Andy Russel 2021 The excavation, recovery and analysis of an early 19th-century shipwreck from the Solent, Hampshire. Hampshire Studies 76, 165–178(14) Hampshire Field Club and Archaeological Society
Bucklow Hill, Knutsford, Cheshire – Journal – WA Ref: 85632
Patrick Daniel 2021 ‘What are the dead for?’: Bronze Age burials in a multi-period landscape at Bucklow Hill, Cheshire. Archaeological Journal 179 (1), 1–82
Stonehenge Region Chalk Plaques – Journal
Bob Davis, Phil Harding and Matt Leivers 2021 Reflectance Transformation Imagine (RTI) Investigation of Engraved Chalk Plaques from the Stonehenge Region. Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society 87, 133–160
Doveridge, Derbyshire – Journal – WA Ref: 205732
Jacquline I. McKinley and Patrick Daniel 2021 Ashes to ashes: a remarkable Early Bronze Age cremation burial from Doveridge, Derbyshire. Past: newsletter of the Prehistoric Society 1–3
The Forty, Cricklade – Journal – WA Ref: 116982
Gail Wakeham 2021 Romano-British occupation and a late medieval farm complex at The Forty, Cricklade, Wiltshire. Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine 114
Hollis Croft, Sheffield – Journal – WA Ref: 209620
Ashley Tuck and Milica Rajic with Sam Bromage and Emma Carter 2021 Hollis Croft, Sheffield, South Yorkshire: Old site and new connections, Internet Archaeology 56
Hollis Croft, Sheffield – Comic Book – WA Ref: 209620
Milica Rajic 2021 Hollis Croft: A Matter of Time and available from Oxbow Books
Various – Journal – WA Ref: Various
Bob Clarke 2021 Stringbags to Star Wars: an archaeology of airfields, Current Archaeology 374, 42–49
Beddington, Surrey – Journal – WA Ref: 200590
Tom Wells and László Lichtenstein 2021 Neolithic pits, a Middle–Late Bronze Age agricultural landscape and a deer park: Beddington Sewage Farm 1992–2009, London Archaeologist 16(4), 87–93
Salisbury Plain (ABP), Wiltshire – Journal – WA Refs: 109514 and 109516
Matt Leivers 2021 The Army Basing Programme, Stonehenge and the emergence of the sacred landscape of Wessex, Internet Archaeology 56, https://doi.org/10.11141/ia.56.2
Larkhill, Wiltshire – Journal – WA Ref: 109516
Matt Leivers, Clive Ruggles and Amanda Chadburn 2021 A new midsummer solstice alignment in the Stonehenge landscape at the Lark Hill causewayed enclosure, British Archaeology 176, 8–9
Factory No. 1, Bristol – Journal – WA Ref: 109434
Cai Mason 2020 The medieval hospital of St Katherine: excavations at Factory No. 1, Bedminster, Bristol, 2015–18, Trans Bristol and Gloucs Achaeol Soc 138, 217−251
Helston, Cornwall – Journal – WA Ref: 112121
Bob Clarke 2019 A prehistoric pit at Helston, Cornwall, Cornish Archaeology 58, 51–56
Wessex Neolithic Ceramics – Web – WA Ref: 73601
Alistair Barclay, Alex Bayliss, Christopher Bronk Ramsey, Ros Cleal, Gordon Cook, Frances Healy, Lorrain Higbee, Peter Marshall, Ruth Pelling and Chris J. Stevens 2018 Dating the Earliest Neolithic Ceramics of Wessex, Historic England Research Report 63-2018 Research Department Reports (historicengland.org.uk)
Bucklow Hill, Knutsford, Cheshire – Journal – WA Ref: 85632
Hannah Dabill and Patrick Daniel 2020. Bronze Age barrows and other remains at Bucklow Hill, Cheshire. CBA North West Newsletter, April 2020, 8-11
Seabrook Orchards, Devon – Journal – WA Ref: 106352
Simon Flaherty and Tom Wells 2020 A ring ditch, Later Bronze Age pottery and Iron Age settlement at Seabrook Orchards, Topsham Road, Exeter. Devon Archaeological Society Proceedings 78
Sheffield Castle – Book – WA Ref: 201540
John Moreland and Dawn Hadley with Ashley Tuck and Milica Rajic 2020 Sheffield Castle: Archaeology Archives Regeneration 1927–2018. York, White Rose
Pinn Court Farm, Devon – Journal – 110091
Tom Wells and Lee Newton 2020 Bronze Age monuments and Iron Age settlement at Pinn Court Farm, Exeter. Devon Archaeological Society Proceedings 78
Razor's Farm, Chineham, Hampshire – Journal – WA Ref: 74586
Jon Sanigar and Phil Andrews 2020 A Late Iron Age–Early Roman enclosed settlement at Razor’s Farm, Chineham, Basingstoke, Proc Hampshire Field Club Archaeol Soc 75, 220–254
A6 Manchester Airport Relief Road – Journal – WA Ref: 107972
Patrick Daniel 2020 Excavations at Bramhall, Stockport, 2015–2016: Bronze Age human remains and other features, Journal of the Chester Archaeological Society 90, 13–37
Bath Quays, Bath – Occasional Paper – WA ref: 111023
Cai Mason 2020 Bath Quays Waterside The Archaeology of Industry, Commerce and the Lives of the Poor in Bath's Lost Quayside District, Wessex Archaeology Occasional Paper
Leamouth North, London Borough of Tower Hamlets – Journal – WA Ref: 112090
David Dungworth and Phil Andrews 2020 The Thames Plate Glass Company, Leamouth, London: archaeological and technical investigations, Post-Medieval Archaeology https://doi.org/10.1080/00794236.2020.1812289
Kelham Rolling Mills, Sheffield – Journal – WA Ref: 76020
Neil Dransfield 2017 Kelham Rolling Mills, Sheffield: an archaeological investigation, Transactions of the Hunter Society 29, 58–83
Bath Abbey, Bath – Journal – WA Ref: T24199
Chris Hambleton 2020 A tale of two ceilings. Reconstructing Jacobean artistry at Bath Abbey, Current Archaeology 366, 26–33
Arborfield Cross, Berkshire – Journal – WA Ref: 209223
Bob Clarke 2020 Observing the observers. Exploring Cold War archaeology in Berkshire, Current Archaeology 364, 36–43
Shipton Bellinger, Hampshire – Journal – WA Ref: 86850
Stephen Beach and Bob Clarke 2020 A multi-phase 20th-century military landscape near Shipton Bellinger, Salisbury Plain, Hampshire Studies 75(1)140–163 https://doi.org/10.24202/hs2020009
Rossington, South Yorkshire – Journal – WA Ref: 84754
Andrew B. Powell, Patrick Daniel and Chris Harrison 2020 A Romano-British enclosure near Rossington, South Yorkshire, Yorkshire Archaeological Journal DOI: 10.1080/00844276.2020.175252
Bucklow Hill, Knutsford, Cheshire – Journal – WA Ref: 85632
Hannah Dabill and Patrick Daniel 2020 Bronze Age barrows at Bucklow Hill, Cheshire, Merseyside Archaeological Society Newsletter 3, 2−3
Bulford to Tidworth, Wiltshire – Journal – WA Ref: 111422
Andrew B. Powell and Stephen Legg 2020 An Early Bronze Age 'log burial' and other features along the Bulford to Tidworth cable trench, Defence Training Estate Salisbury Plain, 2017, Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine 113, 56−84
Bitham Park, Westbury, Wiltshire – Journal – WA Ref: 116420
Andrew B. Powell and Tom Wells 2020 An unusual Late Bronze Age palisaded site and settlements on land north of Bitham Park, Westbury, Wiltshire, Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine 113, 85−129
Cherry Lodge Farm, Shrewton, Wiltshire – Journal – WA Ref: 72100
Jacqueline I. McKinley 2020 A possible Middle to Late Bronze Age case of tuberculosis from Cherry Lodge Farm, Shrewton, Wiltshire, Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine 113, 268−273
Downsway, Salisbury, Wiltshire – Journal – WA Ref: 218470
Jacqueline I. McKinley 2020 Iron Age burial remains from Downsway, Salisbury, Wiltshire, Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine 113, 278−283
Doveridge, Derbyshire – Journal – WA Ref: 205732
Patrick Daniel 2020 Teenage deaths in the Bronze Age, Archaeology and Conservation in Derbyshire 17, 24
Outseats Farm, Alfreton , Derbyshire – Journal – WA Ref: 208491
Emma Metcalfe 2020 Alfreton’s medieval farming heritage, Archaeology and Conservation in Derbyshire 17, 25
Exeter Down, Stamford, Lincolnshire – Journal – WA Ref: 104281
Patrick Daniel 2016 Exeter Down, Stamford: an early to Middle Iron Age enclosed settlement with evidence of iron smelting, Lincolnshire History and Archaeology 51, 45–52 [2020]
The Car Dyke, Lincolnshire – Journal – WA Ref: 105770
Ashley Tuck 2016 Excavations at The Car Dyke, Washingborough, Lincolnshire, Lincolnshire History and Archaeology 51, 115–119 [2020]
Salisbury sites, Wiltshire – Journal – multiple sites
Phil Harding 2020 Forty years in the making: an amalgam of archaeological work in Salisbury, Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine 113, 303−307
Bath Quays, Bath – Journal – WA Ref: 111023
Cai Mason and Lorraine Mepham 2020 Industry, commerce, and the urban poor: illuminating Bath’s lost quayside district, Current Archaeology 363, 36–45
The Archaeology of Europe’s Drowned Landscapes – Downloadable e-pub and book (contribution)
Bailey G, Galanidou N, Jöns H, Peeters H, Mennenga M (eds) 2020 The Archaeology of Europe’s Drowned Landscapes. Springer, Cham. Springer Coastal Research Library Volume 35
Andy Bicket and Louise Tizzard contributions to chapter: Great Britain: The Intertidal and Underwater Archaeology of Britain’s Submerged Landscapes
Caerwent, Monmouthshire – Journal – WA Ref: 68736
Gareth Chaffey, R H Seager Smith, Gail Wakeham and Tom Wells 2017–2018 Investigations at Venta Silurum: A Time Team evaluation at the Roman town at Caerwent, Monmouthshire, Archaeology in Wales 57–58, 131–140
A6 Manchester Airport Relief Road – Booklet – WA Ref: 107972
Patrick Daniel Life on MARR. Archaeological remains along the Manchester Airport Relief Road, Greater Manchester’s Past Revealed 26
Wessex Court, Dorchester, Dorset – Web – WA Ref: 32812
N J Adam, C A Butterworth, S M Davies and DE Farwell† 1992 Excavations at Wessex Court, Charles Street, Dorchester, Dorset 1989, Wessex Archaeology website [edited 2019]
Wessex Court, Dorchester, Dorset – Web – WA Ref: 33721
N J Adam and C A Butterworth 1993 Excavations at Wessex Court, Charles Street, Dorchester, Dorset 1990, Wessex Archaeology website [edited 2019]
Middle Kennet Valley, Berkshire – Web – WA Ref: 87571
Catherine Barnett, Martin Bell and Michael Grant 2019 Tracing their Steps: predictive mapping of Upper Palaeolithic and Mesolithic archaeology, Historic England Research Report 87-2019 [2020] Research Department Reports (historicengland.org.uk)
Sheffield Castle – Journal – WA Ref: 201540
Milica Rajic 2019 Digging Sheffield a New Identity – Evaluation of the Site of Sheffield Castle. Forum: The Journal of Council for British Archaeology Yorkshire 8, 33–47
Sheffield Castle – Journal – WA Ref: 201540
Ashley Tuck 2019 Before the ‘City of Steel’: Excavating Sheffield’s Lost Castle. Current Archaeology 351, 34–41
Bucks Cross, Devon – Journal – WA Ref: 115060
Bob Davis and Mick Rawlings 2019 A rare cast pig, The Crucible 102, 12
Badgers Field, Chipping Campden, Gloucestershire – Journal – WA Ref: 83561
Andrew B. Powell 2019 Early Land-Use and Anglo-Saxon Settlement at Badgers Field, Chipping Campden: Investigations in 2011 and 2015–16, Transactions of the Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeological Society 137, 111–116
Poundbury Farm, Dorset – Journal – WA Ref: 60027
Kirsten Egging Dinwiddy and Tom Wells 2019 Further Prehistoric and Romano-British activity at Pounbury Farm, Dorchester, Dorset, Proc Dorset Natural Hist & Archaeol Soc 140, 114–129
Poundbury Farm, Dorset – web report – WA Ref: 60027
Kirsten Egging Dinwiddy 2019 Further Prehistoric and Romano-British activity at Poundbury Farm, Dorchester, Dorset, WA web report available at https://www.wessexarch.co.uk/our-work/poundbury-farm
A465 Clydach Gorge, Wales – booklet – WA Ref: 112040
Phil Andrews 2019 Ironworking, Tramroads and Methodists. Archaeology and the A465 in the Clydach Gorge, Wessex Archaeology
Chesil Street, Winchester – Journal – WA Ref: 112040
Piotr Orczewski and Phil Andrews 2019 Romano-British and medieval extra-mural settlement at Chesil Street, Winchester, Proc Hampshire Field Club Archaeol Soc 74, 98–114
Barrow Clump, Wiltshire – Monograph – WA Ref: 85376
Phil Andrews, Jonathan Last, Richard Osgood and Nick Stoodley 2019 A Prehistoric Burial Mound and Anglo-Saxon Cemetery at Barrow Clump, Salisbury Plain, Wiltshire. English Heritage and Operation Nightingale excavations 2003−2014, Wessex Archaeology Monograph 40
London Array, Outer Thames Estuary – Website – WA Ref: 67114
Alex Brown and John Russell 2019 Mesolithic Geoarchaeological Investigations in the Outer Thames Estuary, Kent Archaeological Society website:
London Gateway – Journal – WA Ref: 86631
Paolo Croce and Toby Gane 2019 Admiral: a 19th-century Tyne-built paddle tug, International Journal of Nautical Archaeology 48 (2), 507–520, https://doi.org/10.1111/1095-9270.12359
Wimborne, Dorset – Journal – WA Ref: 110551
Piotr Orczewski 2017 Late Saxon/medieval activity west of Cranborne Road, Wimborne, Dorset, Proc Dorset Natur Hist Archaeol Soc 138, 104−105
Castleview Road, Slough, Berkshire – Journal – WA Ref: 89361
Phil Andrews and Paul Clarke 2019 Iron Age metalworking and Anglo-Saxon settlement at Castleview Road, Slough, Berkshire Archaeological Journal 84, 65−111
Llynfi Afan Renewable Energy Park, Glamorgan – Journal – WA Ref: 104991
Cai Mason 2019 Clawdd Mawr cross-ridge dyke, near Abergwynfi: new evidence for its construction and date, Archaeolgia Cambrensis 168, 99−107
London Array – Journal – WA Ref: 67114
Alex Brown and John Russell 2019 Mesolithic Geoarchaeological Investigations in the Outer Thames Estuary, Archaeologia Cantiana 140, 309–311
Figheldean, Wiltshire – Journal – WA Ref: 111270
Phil Andrews and Jacqueline I. McKinley 2019 A remarkable discovery – an Early Bronze Age cremation burial at Figheldean, Wiltshire, Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine 112, 37−73
Stonehenge Visitors Centre, Wiltshire – Journal – WA Ref: 76862
Andrew B. Powell 2019 Along the road to Stonehenge: investigations of the Stonehenge Avenue and within the World Heritage Site, Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine 112, 197−216
Finningley and Rossington Regeneration Route Scheme (FARRRS), South Yorkshire – Journal – WA Ref: 84457
Patrick Daniel 2019 ‘The Great Yorkshire Way’: Iron Age and Romano-British Activity Near Rossington, South Yorkshire, Yorkshire Archaeological Journal, DOI:10.1080/00844276.2019.1614764
Earls Colne, Essex – Journal – WA Ref: 77503
Steve Thompson 2017 Time Team’s Evaluation of Colne Priory, Earls Colne, near Colchester, Essex, Trans Essex Soc Archaeol and Hist (4th Series) 8, 150–155
Steart Point, Somerset – web – WA Ref: 77222
L. Higbee and Lorraine Mepham 2019 The Archaeology of the Steart Peninsula. Wessex Archaeology
Wimborne Minster, Dorset – Journal – WA Ref: 110551
Piotr Orczewski 2018 Saxon and medieval settlement on the northern edge of Wimborne Minster, Dorset, Proc Dorset Natur Hist Archaeol Soc 139, 134−162
RNAS Yeovilton, Somerset – WA website – WA Ref: 86163
Lorrain Higbee 2019 Late prehistoric and Romano-British land-use at Royal Naval Air Station (RNAS) Yeovilton, Somerset, WA website https://www.wessexarch.co.uk/our-work/royal-naval-air-station-yeovilton
Hucclecote, Gloucester – Journal – WA Ref: 103733
Cai Mason 2018 The landscape of Hucclecote Roman Villa: excavations at Mayfield Place, Churchdown Lane, Gloucester, 2014−16, Trans Bristol and Gloucs Achaeol Soc 136, 117−160
Stow-on-the-Wold, Gloucestershire – Journal – WA Ref: 111341
Andrew Powell 2018 later Bronze Age occupation at Stow Camp, Stow-on-the-Wold, Trans Bristol and Gloucs Achaeol Soc 136, 43−54
Humber Gateway, East Yorkshire – Journal – Ref: 111190
Andrea Burgess and Patrick Daniel 2018 Easington to Salt End: the archaeology of the Humber Gateway onshore cable-route, East Riding Archaeologist 17, 1−113
The Butcher Wheel, Sheffield – Journal – WA Ref: 77640
Oliver Jessop 2019 The Butcher Wheel, Arundel Street, Sheffield, South Yorkshire Industrial History Society Occasional Paper 5
Sheffield Castle – Journal – WA Ref: 201540
Milica Rajic 2019 Recent excavations at Sheffield Castle, Briefing The newsletter of the Yorkshire Archaeological and Historical Society 2
Fishbourne, Sussex – Journal – WA Ref: 105370
Bill Moffat, Grace Jones and Phil Andrews 2018 Further investigations east of Fishbourne Roman Palace, Sussex Archaeological Collections 156, 23−39
Bath Quays, Bath – Journal – WA Ref: 111023
Cai Mason 2018 Recent Archaeology of Bath Quays, Proceedings of the History of Bath Research Group 6, 6−8 [publication date 2017−2018]
Corunna Barracks, Wiltshire – Journal – WA Ref: 202841
Simon Cleggett 2018 Flavius Valens and Corunna Barracks hob-nail boots and soft-skinned vehicles, Sanctuary: The Ministry of Defence Sustainability Magazine 47, 46−47
The Friary, Lichfield, Staffordshire – Journal – WA Ref: 104773
Ashley Tuck 2018 A Medieval boundary of the former Franciscan Friary, Lichfield, Staffordshire, Trans Staffordshire Archaeol and Hist Soc 50, 47−58
West Langton, Leicestershire – Journal – WA Ref: 89561
Andrew B. Powell and Jörn Schuster 2018 Saxon burials in West Langton parish, Leicestershire: a Time Team investigation, Trans Leicestershire Archaeol and Hist Soc 92, 65−96
Grove Road, Harwell, Oxfordshire − Journal − WA Ref: 87555
Steve Thompson 2018 Early to Middle Iron-Age and Later Settlement at Grove Road, Harwell, Oxoniensia 83, 139−196
Ampress Lane, Lymington, Hampshire – Journal – WA Ref: 76902
Andrew B. Powell 2018 Ampress Camp, Lymington: a late Roman, British or Jutish riverside defence? Proc Hampshire Field Club Archaeol Soc 71, 169–174
Exeter Down, Stamford, Lincolnshire – Journal − WA Ref: 104281
Patrick Daniel and Roderick Mackenzie 2016 An Early to Middle Iron Age iron smelting site at Exeter Down, Stamford, Lincolnshire, Historical Metallurgy 50(2), 71−77 [2018]
Queen Camel, Somerset − Journal − WA Ref: 102840
Lee Newton 2017 Middle Bronze Age settlement and a Romano-British villa at Queen Camel, Somerset, Proceedings of the Somerset Archaeological and Natural History Society 161, 49−90 [2018]
Lower Easton Farm, Pylle, Somerset – Journal − WA Ref: 104191
Lee Newton 2017 Iron Age and Romano-British settlement at Lower Easton Farm, Proceedings of the Somerset Archaeological and Natural History Society 161, 91−94 [2018]
Beanacre, Wiltshire – Occasional Paper − WA Ref: 107351
Cai Mason 2018 A Romano-British Roadside Settlement at Beanacre, Wiltshire, Wessex Archaeology Occasional Paper
Dudgeon Offshore Wind Farm − Journal − WA Ref: 69685
Alex Brown, John Russell, Rob Scaife, Louise Tizzard, John Whittaker and Sarah F. Wyles 2018 Lateglacial/early Holocene palaeoenvironments in the southern North Sea Basin: new data from the Dudgeon offshore wind farm, Journal of Quaternary Science 33(6), 597–610
West Moor Park, Doncaster − Journal − WA Ref: 106491
Ashley Tuck 2017 A Romano-British field system and burnt pits at West Moor Park, Armthorpe, Doncaster, South Yorkshire, Forum: The Journal of Council for British Archaeology Yorkshire 6, 67−72
Former Amy Johnson School, Hull – Journal − WA Ref: 74532
Ashley Tuck 2017 Victorian brickworks: excavations at the former Amy Johnson School, Hull, Forum: The Journal of Council for British Archaeology Yorkshire 6, 73–79
Bridge Lane House, Bawtry − Journal − WA Ref: 74600
Ashley Tuck 2018 Medieval hemp retting? Excavations at Bridge Lane House, Bawtry, Doncaster, Yorkshire Archaeological Journal, https://doi.org/10.1080/00844276.2018.1483134
Larkhill, Wiltshire – Journal – WA Ref: 113931
Martin Brown and Steve Thompson 2018 ‘A matter of holes and ditches’: the archaeology of Great War training, Larkhill, Wiltshire, Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine 111, 6−20
Salisbury Plain, Wiltshire – Journal – WA Ref: 68045
Stephen Beach 2018 Military practice trenches and a dump of United States Army sunburn cream tins on the Salisbury Plain Training Estate, Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine 111, 51−58
Salisbury Plain, Wiltshire – Journal – WA Ref: 68045
Andrew B. Powell, Stephen Beach and Matt Leivers 2018 Prehistoric deposition, burial and settlement on Salisbury Plain: archaeological investigations along the new military tracks, 2009−2012, Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine 111, 84−193
Bath Road, Melksham, Wiltshire – Journal – WA Ref: 102043
Andrew B. Powell 2018 Romano-British edge-of-settlement activity and landscape organisation, north of Bath Road, Melksham, Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine 111, 211−229
Longhedge, Wiltshire − Journal – WA Ref: 117112
Bob Clarke and Lorraine Mepham 2018 17th- and 20-century military sites at Longhedge, Old Sarum, Salisbury, Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine 111, 325−336
Green Lanes, Barnstaple, Devon – Journal – WA Ref: 78944
Andrew B Powell 2017 Excavation at 22 and 23 Joy Street, Barnstaple: late medieval to modern occupation, Proceedings of the Devon Archaeological Society 75, 233−270 [2018]
Batsworthy Cross, Knowstone, Devon – Journal – WA Ref: 104841
Kirsten Egging Dinwiddy 2017 Excavation of a medieval farmhouse with an adjacent droveway, at Beaple’s Moor Cross, Knowstone, Proceedings of the Devon Archaeological Society 75, 135−153 [2018]
New Covent Garden, Wandsworth – Monograph (contribution)
Richard Payne, Alex Brown, Holly Rogers and David Norcott 2018 Geoarchaeological deposit modelling, New Covent Garden Market, Wandsworth, London, in Deposit Modelling in Archaeology (eds Chris Carey, Andy J. Howard, David Knight, Jane Corcoran and Jen Heathcote), University of Brighton, 85−95
Lower Easton Farm, Pylle, Somerset − WA website − WA Ref: 104191
Lee Newton 2018 Iron Age and Romano-British settlement at Lower Easton Farm, Pylle, Somerset, https://www.wessexarch.co.uk/our-work/lower-easton-farm-pylle
Amesbury to Berwick Down, Wiltshire − Journal (contributions) − WA Refs: 113221−2
D. Roberts, A. Valdez-Tullett, P. Marshall, J. Last, A. Oswald, A. Barclay, B. Bishop, E. Dunbar, A. Forward, M. Law, N. Linford, P. Linford, I. López-Dóriga, A. Manning, A. Payne, R. Pelling, A. Powell, P. Reimer, M. Russell, F. Small, S. Soutar, J. Vallender and F. Worley 2018 Recent Investigations at Two Long Barrows and Reflections on their Context in the Stonehenge World Heritage Site and Environs, Internet Archaeology 47. https://doi.org/10.11141/ia.47.7
Magistrates Court, Barking – Journal – WA Ref: 104321
Lisa McCaig with Alistair J Barclay 2018 A Saxon and medieval settlement at the former Barking Magistrates Court, London Archaeologist 15(4) 104–107
MOD Durrington, Wiltshire – Occasional Paper – WA Ref: 74416
Steve Thompson and Andrew B. Powell 2018 Along Prehistoric Lines. Neolithic, Iron Age and Romano-British Activity at the Former MOD headquarters, Durrington, Wiltshire.
Boughton Centre, Chester – Journal – WA Ref: 100902
Andrew B Powell 2017 Boughton Retail Centre, Chester, 2012–2013, a nineteenth century tannery and other discoveries, Journal of the Chester Archaeological Society 87, 61–91 [2018]
Wincobank Hall, Sheffield – Journal – WA Ref: 79230
Grace Corbett, Richard O'Neil and Andrea Burgess 2013 Archaeological excavations at Wincobank Hall, Sheffield, Transactions of the Hunter Society 27, 29–44 [2018]
Cathedral Road, Derby – Journal – WA Ref: 106994
Patrick Daniel and Alexandra Grassam 2017 Post-Conquest Activity at Cathedral Road, Derby, Derbyshire Archaeological Journal 137, 76–100 [2018]
Brancaster, Norfolk – Journal – WA Ref: 85209
Naomi Brennan 2016 The Roman Fort at Branodunum: a Time Team evaluation, Norfolk Archaeology XLVII (2016), 374–394 [published January 2018]
Reydon Farm, Suffolk – Journal – WA Ref: 101080
Phil Harding 2017 Excavations at Reydon Farm: early Neolithic pit digging in East Suffolk, Proc. Suffolk Inst. Archaeol. 44(1), 1−18
Derwentcote Forge, County Durham - Journal - WA Ref: 74157
Phil Andrews, Roderick Mackenzie and Patrick Sean Quinn 2016 Crucible steel production at Derwentcote Forge, County Durham, Historical Metallurgy 50 (1), 53−66 [published December 2017]
Kingsmead Quarry, Horton - Journal - WA Ref: 89665
Alistair Barclay, Silvia Bello, Philippa Bradley, Phil Harding, Lorrain Higbee, Andrew Manning, John Powell, Richard Macphail, Alison Roberts, Mark Stewart and Nick Barton 2017 A new Late Upper Palaeolithic open-air site with articulated horse bone in the Colne Valley, Antiquity 91(360), 1−7 https://doi.org/10.15184/aqy.2017.216
Coniston Copper Mines, Cumbria - Journal - WA Ref: 85208
Steve Thompson and Phil Andrews 2017 Coniston Copper Mines, Cumbria: Time Team investigations, 2012, Transactions of the Cumberland & Westmorland Antiquarian & Archaeological Society 17, 137−152
Shepherds Spring School, Hampshire - Journal - WA Ref: 103102
John Powell 2017 A middle−late Iron Age and early Romano-British settlement at Shepherds Spring School, Andover, Proceedings of the Hampshire Field Club & Archaeological Society 72, 1−32
East Kent Access Road - Booklet - WA ref: 72796
Phil Andrews and Andrew Powell 2017 Digging at the Gateway: from prehistory to Caesar and beyond. The archaeology of the East Kent Access Road, Thanet, Oxford Wessex Archaeology, http://www.wessexarch.co.uk/projects/kent/east-kent-access-road
Use of archaeology (contribution to Geology Society publication)
John Russell 2017 Use of archaeology, in Engineering Geology and Geomorphology of Glaciated and Periglaciated Terrains − Engineering Group Working Party Report (eds J S Griffiths and C J Martin), Geological Society, London, Engineering Geology Special Publication 28, 748−759
Merland Rise, Surrey - Journal - WA Ref: 107841
Phil Harding 2017 A Mesolithic site at Merland Rise, Tadworth, Surrey Archaeological Collections 100, 271−276
Wroxeter, Shropshire - Journal - WA Ref: 107700
Patrick Daniel and Andrew Reid 2017 Pottery production, cremation graves and a possible shrine in the Wroxeter hinterland, Transactions of the Shropshire Archaeological and Historical Society 92, 45−89
Balby Carr, Doncaster - Journal - WA Ref: 105400
Patrick Daniel 2016 An Iron Age Enclosure at Balby Carr, Doncaster, South Yorkshire, Forum: The Journal of Council for British Archaeology Yorkshire [online] 5, 1−11
West Kennett Farm, Avebury - Journal - WA Ref: 71170
Phil Harding and John Lord 2017 Thoughts on massive flint cores from Wiltshire and East Anglia, the movement of flint and its role in late Neolithic Britain, 1−15, The Antiquaries Journal https://doi.org/10.1017/S0003581517000026
Damson Parkway, Solihull - Journal - WA Ref:106653
Patrick Daniel 2017 A Romano-British farmstead at Damson Parkway, Solihull, Transactions of the Birmingham and Warwickshire Archaeological Society 119, 52−62
Tickhill - Journal - WA Ref:79391
Andrea Burgess and Phil Andrews 2017. A late medieval tannery at Tickhill, South Yorkshire, Yorkshire Archaeological Journal published online at http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00844276.2017.1333374
Queen Mary's Hospital, Carshalton - Occasional Paper - WA Ref: 69946
Andrew B. Powell 2017 Queen Mary's Hospital Carshalton. AN Iron Age and early Romano-British Settlement, Wessex Archaeology Occasional Paper
Ridgeway Farm, Purton - Journal - WA Ref: 86363
Andrew B. Powell 2017 An Early Bronze Age burial, Early to Middle Iron Age settlement and Romano-British activity at Ridgeway Farm, Purton, Wiltshire, Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine 110, 17−55
Old Dairy, Amesbury - Journal - WA Ref: 79292
Phil Harding and Nick Stoodley 2017 Newly-discovered barrows and an Anglo-Saxon cemetery at the Old Dairy, London Road, Amesbury, Wiltshire, Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine 110, 56−114
Queen Mary’s Hospital, Carshalton - Journal - WA Ref: 69946
Andrew B. Powell 2017 Animal bones and broken objects: symbolic deposition at an Iron Age to early Romano-British settlement at Queen Mary's Hospital, Carshalton, London Archaeologist 14 (12), 323−327
Larkhill, Wiltshire - Journal - WA Ref: 113931
Matt Leivers 2017 Robin Hood’s other ball? A newly-discovered causewayed enclosure at Larkhill, Wiltshire, PAST 85, 12−13
Queen Street, Stotfold - Journal - WA Ref: 61902
Catriona D. Gibson and Andrew B. Powell 2017 Late Bronze Age burials and Iron Age, Roman, Saxon and medieval settlement at Queen Street, Stotfold, Bedfordshire Archaeology 27, 35−67
Steart Point - Occasional Paper - WA Ref: 77222
Lorrain Higbee and Lorraine Mepham 2017 Living on the Edge: Archaeological Investigations at Steart Point, Somerset, Wessex Archaeology Occasional Paper
Cheddar to Brent Knoll, Somerset - Journal - WA Ref: 88422
John Powell 2016 Romano-British and medieval settlement in the vicinity of Brent Knoll Hillfort, Somerset, Proceedings of the Somerset Archaeological and Natural History Society 160, 17−50
Longforth Farm, Somerset - Journal - WA Ref: 85402
Simon Flaherty and Phil Andrews 2016 A medieval manor house rediscovered: excavations at Longforth Farm, Wellington, Proceedings of the Somerset Archaeological and Natural History Society 160, 163−166
The Friary, Lichfield, Staffordshire - Journal - WA Ref: 104773
Two medieval turnshoes from the former Franciscan Friary, Lichfield, Staffordshire, Archaeological Leather Group Newsletter 46, 3−5
Cannington Court, Somerset - Journal - WA Ref: 85502
Steve Thompson 2016 Archaeological investigations at Cannington Court, Cannington 2013−14, Proceedings of the Somerset Archaeological and Natural History Society 160, 166−169
Larkhill and Bulford, Wiltshire - Web - WA Refs: 109514 and 109516
Matt Leivers 2017 The Army Basing Programme: new discoveries at Larkhill and Bulford, Historic England Research 6, 36–40, https://historicengland.org.uk/images-books/publications/historic-england-research-6/he-research-6/
Churchdown Hill (Mythe to Mitcheldean) - Journal - WA Ref: 84963
Andrea Burgess, Sarah F. Wyles, Kirsten Egging Dinwiddy and Alistair J. Barclay 2016 Iron Age and Romano-British settlement near Churchdown Hill, Transactions of the Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeological Society 134, 39−75
St Ebba's Chapel - Journal - WA Ref: 89562
J. I. McKinley 2016 A medieval chapel and post-medieval burials at Saint Ebba’s Chapel, Beadnell, Northumberland, Archaeologia Aeliana 45, 133−144
Caley’s Department Store, Windsor – Journal – WA Ref: 65032
Nicholas Cooke 2016 Prehistoric and Romano-British activity and medieval settlement on the site of the former Caley's Department store, 19–23 High Street, Windsor, Berkshire, Berkshire Archaeological Journal 82, 33–62
Raghill Farm, Aldermaston – Journal – WA Ref: 58256
S.E. Clelland and Andrew Manning 2016 Prehistoric and Romano-British occupation and post-medieval brickmaking at Raghill Farm Quarry, Aldermaston, West Berkshire, Berkshire Archaeological Journal 82, 63–78
George’s Farm, Crookham – Journal – WA Ref: 42781
Nicholas Cooke 2016 George's Farm, Crookham, Berkshire: a Bronze Age to late Romano-British site in the Enborne Valley, Berkshire, Berkshire Archaeological Journal 82, 79–99
Piercebridge, Darlington – Journal – WA Ref: 71506
Naomi Brennan 2015 A Time Team evaluation at Piercebridge Roman fort, Darlington Durham Archaeological Journal 20, 55–62
Castle Farm, Scargill – Journal – WA Ref: 68744
Naomi Brennan 2015 A Time Team evaluation at Castle Farm, Scargill, County Durham Durham Archaeological Journal 20, 63–70
Holocene Palaeogeography – Journal – WA Ref: 102770−2
Andrew Bicket, C.L. Mellett, Louise Tizzard and C. Waddington 2016 Exploring Holocene palaeogeography in the ‘white ribbon’: a Mesolithic case study from the Northumberland coast, J Quat Sci
DOI: 10.1002/jqs.2897
Scotland’s intertidal prehistory – Journal – WA Ref: 79441 and 88900
Karen Hardy, Jonathan Benjamin, Andrew Bicket, John McCarthy and Torben Ballin 2015 Scotland's intertidal prehistory: Lub Dubh Aird, a raw material and knapping site in Upper Loch Torridon, Proc Soc Antiq Scot 145, 17–39
Hatchwood Farm, Odiham – Journal – WA Ref: 83873
Andrew B. Powell 2016 Late Bronze Age activity at Hatchwood Farm, Odiham, Hampshire, Proc Hampshire Field Club Archaeol Soc 71, 171–175
Former Prysmian Factory Site – Journal – WA Ref: 78933
Steve Thompson 2016 Prehistoric and Saxon remains at the former Prysmian Factory Site, Dew Lane, Eastleigh, Hampshire, Proc Hampshire Field Club Archaeol Soc 71, 176–179
Stonehenge and Avebury Research Framework – Monograph – WA Ref: 76330
Matt Leivers and Andrew B. Powell 2016 A Research Framework for the Stonehenge, Avebury and Associated Sites World Heritage Site. Research Agenda and Strategy, Wessex Archaeology Monograph 39
Stonehenge and Avebury Research Framework – Monograph – WA Ref: 76330
Matt Leivers and Andrew B. Powell (eds) 2016 A Research Framework for the Stonehenge, Avebury and Associated Sites World Heritage Site. Avebury Resource Assessment, Wessex Archaeology Monograph 38
The Times of Their Lives (Cardiff University and Historic England) Journal – Journal – WA Ref: 85380
Nenad Tasić, Miroslav Marić, Christopher Bronk Ramsey, Bernd Kromer, Alistair Barclay, Alex Bayliss, Nancy Beavan, Bisserka Gaydarska and Alasdair Whittle 2015 Vinča-Belo Brdo, Serbia: The times of a tell, Germania 93, 1–75
Norman Cross, Cambridgeshire - Journal - WA Ref: 71507
Naomi Brennan 2016 The first prisoner of war camp: a Time Team evaluation at Norman Cross, Cambridgeshire, Proceedings of the Cambridge Antiquarian Society CV, 99–108
Bury Road, Thetford - Journal - WA Ref: 63222
Catriona Gibson 2015 A late Saxon butchery site at Bury Road, Thetford, Norfolk Archaeology 47(2), 264–284
Longforth Farm - Booklet – WA Ref: 85402
Phil Andrews 2016 Longforth Farm: A medieval Manor House Rediscovered, Wessex Archaeology
Goole - Journal - WA Ref:107490
Ashley Tuck and Andrea Burgess 2016 Neolithic peat formation and 18th-century land reclamation at Goole Fields, East Riding of Yorkshire, Forum: The Journal of Council for British Archaeology Yorkshire 4, 65–70
Llangibby Castle - Journal - WA Ref: 71500
Steve Thompson 2016 ‘A sumptuous hunting lodge’: a Time Team evaluation at Llangibby Castle, near Usk, Monmouthshire, Archaeologia Cambrensis 165, 231–240
Longforth Farm - Occasional Paper - WA Ref: 85402
Simon Flaherty, Phil Andrews and Matt Leivers 2016 A Medieval Manor House Rediscovered – Excavations at Longforth Farm, Wellington, Somerset, Wessex Archaeology Occasional Paper
Adwick-le-Street - Journal - WA Ref: 83520
Jacqueline McKinley 2016 A Conversion period cemetery at Woodlands, Adwick-le-Street, South Yorkshire, Yorkshire Archaeological Journal 88, 77–120
Salt Lane and Bedwin Street - Journal - WA Ref: 85971
Phil Harding 2016 Excavations in Vanner’s and Griffin Chequers, Salisbury: a study of urban development, Wiltshire Archaeological & Natural History Magazine 109, 143–172
Porton - Journal - WA Ref: 72833
Phil Andrews and Steve Thompson 2016 An early Beaker funerary monument at Porton Down, Wiltshire, Wiltshire Archaeological & Natural History Magazine 109, 38–82
Clipstone - Journal - WA Ref: 89560
Naomi Brennan 2015 A Time Team evaluation at King John's Palace, Clipstone: a medieval royal palace in Sherwood Forest, Transactions of the Thoroton Society 119, 45–56
Barton in Fabis and Clifton (A453) - Journal - WA Ref: 86085
Andrea Burgess 2015 Iron Age and Romano-British sites along the A453 between Barton in Fabis and Clifton, Nottinghamshire, Transactions of the Thoroton Society 119, 57–101
Collingbourne Ducis - Monograph - WA Ref: 62673
Kirsten Egging Dinwiddy and Nick Stoodley 2016 An Anglo-Saxon Cemetery at Collingbourne Ducis, Wiltshire, Wessex Archaeology Monograph 37
Iona II Journal - Journal - WA Ref: 101530
Victoria Cooper and Peta Knott 2016 The Iona II dive trail, building relationships through the protection and management of marine heritage, Journal of Community Archaeology & Heritage 3:1, 5–21
DOI: 10.1080/20518196.2015.1123882
Port and Harbour Development - Website - WA Ref: 100691
Victoria Cooper and Toby Gane 2016 The Assessment and Management of Marine Archaeology in Port and Harbour Development, Wessex Archaeology, Salisbury
Imperial College and RMC Land - Monograph - WA Ref: 42285, 59704
Andrew B. Powell, Alistair J. Barclay, Lorraine Mepham and Chris J. Stevens 2015 Imperial College Sports Ground and RMC Land, Harlington. The Development of Prehistoric and Later Communities in the Colne Valley and on the Heathrow Terrace, Wessex Archaeology Monogr. 33
Gover Farm, St Agnes - Journal - WA Ref: 101471
Oliver Good 2015 Romano-British settlement and enclosures at Gover Farm, St Agnes, Cornwall, Cornish Archaeology 54, 225−232 [publication date 2017]
Theobalds Road, Wivelsfield - Journal - WA Ref: 64461
Andrew B. Powell 2015 A Romano-British settlement with ovens and field system at Theobalds Road, Wivelsfield, East Sussex, Sussex Archaeological Collections 153, 47–61
Kew Bridge House, Brentford - Journal - WA Ref: 64940
Nicholas Cooke and Christopher Phillpotts† 2015 Prehistoric features and post-medieval change, London Archaeologist, 14 (6), 231–236
University Parks - Journal - WA Ref: 71081
Steve Thompson 2015 Evidence for Iron-Age land use and settlement in the University Parks, Oxford, Oxoniensia 80, 97–109
Kenfig - Journal - WA Ref: 89562
Naomi Brennan 2015 'Devoured with the sands': a Time Team evaluation at Kenfig, Archaeologia Cambrensis 164, 221–229
East Kent Access - Monograph - WA Ref:72796
Phil Andrews, Paul Booth, A P Fitzpatrick and Ken Welsh 2015 Digging at the Gateway: Archaeological landscapes of south Thanet. The Archaeology of East Kent Access (Phase II) Volume 1: The Sites and Volume 2: The Finds, Environmental and Dating Reports, OWA Monograph No. 8
Coston - Journal - WA Ref: 75113
Neil Dransfield, Sean Bell and Richard O'Neill 2015 Anglo-Saxon settlement at Coston Hall, Leicestershire, Trans Leicestershire Archaeol & Hist Soc 89, 113–144
Groby - Journal - WA Ref: 74151
Naomi Brennan 2015 ‘Here was an ancient castle’: A Time Team evaluation at Groby Old Hall, Leicestershire, Trans Leicestershire Archaeol & Hist Soc 89, 153–163
Oakham Castle - Journal - WA Ref: 89563
Lorraine Mepham and Oliver Good 2015 Further investigations at Oakham Castle, Rutland: A Time Team evaluation, Trans Leicestershire Archaeol & Hist Soc 89, 165–178
Submerged Prehistory - Journal - WA Ref: 102770
Andrew Bicket and Louise Tizzard 2015 A review of the submerged prehistory and palaeolandscapes of the British Isles, Proc Geologists' Association doi:10.1016/j.pgeola.2015.08.009
Risehill - Journal - WA Ref: 89560
Naomi Brennan 2015 Working on the Railway: the Risehill Tunnel Navvy Camp, Industrial Archaeology Review 37(2), 99–110 [DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1179/0309072815Z.00000000049]
The Bourne, Twyford - Journal - WA Ref: 73302
Phil Andrews, Phil Harding and Kirsten Egging Dinwiddy 2015 A Late iron Age-early Romano-British field system and burial at The Bourne, Twyford, Winchester, Proc Hampshire Field Club Archaeol Soc 70, 201–203
Abbotts Barton (Francis Gardens) - Journal - WA Ref: 70251
Andrew B Powell 2015 Early–Middle Anglo-Saxon settlement beside the Winchester to Silchester Roman road at Abbotts Barton, Winchester, Proc Hampshire Field Club Archaeol Soc 70, 63–101
Charles Street, Dorchester - Journal - WA Ref: 78150
Andrew B Powell 2015 The development of properties inside the southern defences of Roman Durnovaria: an excavation at Charles Street, Dorchester, Proc Dorset Natural History & Archaeol Soc 136, 162–184
Langton Matravers - Journal - WA Ref: 67990
Benjamin W Roberts, Dorothee Boughton, Michael Dinwiddy, Nisha Doshi, Andrew P Fitzpatrick, Duncan Hook, Nigel Meeks, Aude Mongiatti, Ann Woodward and Peter J Woodward 2015 Collapsing commodities or lavish offerings? Understanding massive metalwork deposition at Langton Matravers, Dorset during the Bronze Age–Iron Age transition, Oxford Journal of Archaeology 34(4), 365–395
The Times of Their Lives (Cardiff University and Historic England) - Journal - WA Ref: 85380
Nenad Tasić, Miroslav Marić, Kristina Penezić, Dragana Filipović, Ksenija Borojević, Nicola Russell, Paula Reimer, Alistair Barclay, Alex Bayliss, Dušan Borić, Bisserka Gaydarska and Alasdair Whittle 2015 The end of the affair: formal chronological modelling for the top of the Neolithic tell of Vinča-Belo Brdo, Antiquity 89 (347), 1064–1082, doi:10.15184/aqy.2015.101
London Gateway Port - Journal - WA Ref: 72431
Graham Scott and Toby Gane 2015 Aviation archaeology offshore: the recovery of a rare Ju88 aircraft wreck during work for the new London Gateway Port, Journal of Conflict Archaeology 10(2), 75–95
Loups's Hill, Co. Durham - Journal - WA Ref: 85071
Kenneth Lymer 2015 Image processing and visualisation of rock art laser scans from Loups’s Hill, County Durham, Digital Applications in Archaeology and Cultural Heritage 2, 155–165 http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.daach.2015.01.002
Kew Bridge House, Brentford - Website - WA Ref: 64940
Nicholas Cooke and Christopher Phillpotts† 2015 Excavations at Kew Bridge House, Kew Bridge Road, Brentford, 2007, http://www.wessexarch.co.uk/reports/64940/kew-bridge-house
Barrow Clump - Journal - WA Ref: 85373
Richard Osgood and Phil Andrews 2015 Excavating Barrow Clump. Soldier archaeologists and warrior graves, Current Archaeology 306, 28–35
Cliffs End Farm - Journal - WA Ref: 56951
Pippa Bradley 2015 On sacred ground. Mass graves at migrants at Cliffs End Farm, Current Archaeology 306, 12–19
Stratford Box - Website - WA Ref: 57900
Hillary Valler and A D Crockett 2015 Waterside management from the Middle Bronze Age to present day. High Speed 1 investigations at Stratford, London Borough of Newham, http://www.wessexarch.co.uk/reports/57900/hs1-stratford-water-management
Stratford Box - Website - WA Ref: 57900
Catherine Barnett, Rob Scaife and Chris J. Stevens 2015 Lateglacial to holocene alluviation and landscape development. High Speed 1 investigations at Stratford, London Borough of Newham, http://www.wessexarch.co.uk/reports/57900/hs1-stratford-landscape-development
Hopton - Journal - WA Ref: 71504
Naomi Brennan 2015 'Hopton Quarter': A Time Team evaluation at Hopton Castle, Shropshire, Transactions of the Shropshire Archaeological and Natural History Society 89, 37–44
East Hill, Dartford - Website - WA Ref: 62240
Mike Trevarthen 2015 Excavation of later prehistoric remains and a Roman cemetery at East Hill, Dartford, 2006, http://www.kentarchaeology.org.uk/10/011.pdf
Underdown Lane, Herne - Website - WA Ref: 56560
Julie Gardiner, Michael J. Allen, John SC Lewis, James Wright and Richard I Macphail 2015 A Long Blade site at Underdown Lane, Herne Bay, Kent and a model for habitat use in the British Early Postglacial, http://www.kentarchaeology.org.uk/10/016.pdf
Star Lane, Westwood - Website - WA Ref: 83640
Andrew B. Powell 2015 Baking and brewing in a medieval settlement at Star Lane, Westwood, Thanet, http://www.kentarchaeology.org.uk/10/032.pdf
Farningham–Hadlow gas pipeline - Website - WA Ref: 70304
Andrew B. Powell 2015 Archaeological discoveries along the Farningham–Hadlow gas pipeline, Kent, http://www.kentarchaeology.org.uk/10/039.pdf
Farningham–Hadlow gas pipeline - Journal - WA Ref: 70304
Andrew B. Powell 2015 The archaeology of the Farningham–Hadlow gas pipeline, Archaeologia Cantiana 136, 221–6
Wrotham (Farningham–Hadlow gas pipeline) - Website - WA Ref: 70304
Nick Stoodley 2015 An Anglo-Saxon cemetery on Pilgrim's Way, near Wrotham, Kent, http://www.kentarchaeology.org.uk/10/038.pdf
Folkestone Cricket Club Ground - Journal - WA Ref: 77310
Rob De'athe 2015 Late prehistoric enclosures at Folkestone Cricket Club ground, Archaeologia Cantiana 136 205–212
Herne Bay - Website - WA Ref: 60694
Matt Leivers and Kirsten Egging Dinwiddy 2015 Excavation of a multi-period site at Herne Bay, Kent, http://www.kentarchaeology.org.uk/10/034.pdf
Riverside Exchange, Sheffield - Occasional Paper - WA Ref: 83810
Phil Andrews 2015 Riverside Exchange, Sheffield Investigations on the site of the Town Mill, Cutlers' Wheel, Marshall's Steelworks and the Naylor Vickers Works, Wessex Archaeology Occas Pap
Hoo Road, Wainscott - Website - WA Ref: 65073
Nicholas Cooke and Rachael Seager Smith 2015, Prehistoric and Romano–British activity and Saxon settlement at Hoo Road, Wainscott, Kent, http://www.kentarchaeology.org.uk/10/037.pdf
Castle Hill, Salisbury - Journal
Kirsten Egging Dinwiddy 2015 Human remains, 93–94, in , P. Saunders and D. Algar 2015, A Romano-British burial with anklet on Castle Hill, Salisbury, Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine 108, 89–96
Rowbarrow, Wiltshire - Journal - WA Ref: 57814
Andrew B. Powell 2015 Bronze Age and Early Iron Age burial grounds and later landscape development outside Little Woodbury, Salisbury, Wiltshire, Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine 108, 44–78
Bourne Hill, Salisbury - Journal - WA Ref: 61002
Gareth Chaffey and Rebecca Fitzpatrick 2015 St. Edmunds College, Salisbury: New Evidence for medieval origins and post-medieval development at the Council House, Bourne Hill, Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine 108, 143–58
Cunetio, Wiltshire - Journal - WA Ref: 71509
Rachael Seager Smith and Gail Wakeham 2015 Further investigation of the Roman small town of Cunetio: A Time Team evaluation, Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine 108, 79–88
Tilshead, Salisbury Plain - Journal - WA Ref: 103290
Kirsten Egging Dinwiddy 2015 Romano-British activity on Salisbury Plain, near Tilshead, Wiltshire, Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine 108, 97–104
Seabed Prehistory Area 240 - Monograph - WA Ref:70757
Louise Tizzard, Andrew Bicket and Dimitri De Loecker 2015 Seabed Prehistory: Investigating the Palaeogeography and Early Middle Palaeolithic Archaeology in the Southern North Sea, Wessex Archaeology Monogr. 35
A3 Hindhead - Journal - WA Ref: 61768
Steve Thompson and Andrew Manning 2014 Late prehistoric settlement and post-medieval industrial activity on the route of the A3 Hindhead Improvement Scheme, Surrey Archaeological Collections 98, 1–27
Sutton Courtenay - Journal - WA Ref: 71505
Naomi Brennan, Helena Hamerow, Lorraine Higbee and Lorraine Mepham 2015 An Anglo-Saxon Great Hall Complex at Sutton Courtenay/Drayton, Oxfordshire: A Royal Centre of Early Wessex?, Archaeological Journal, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00665983.2015.1010369
Drumbeg - Journal - WA Ref: 104700
John McCarthy, Philip Robertson and Ewen Mackay 2015 Discovery and survey of a 17th–18th century shipwreck near Drumbeg, NW Scotland: an initial report, International Journal of Nautical Archaeology 44 (1), 202–8
Cliffs End - Monograph - WA Ref: 56951
Jacqueline I. McKinley, Matt Leivers, Jörn Schuster, Peter Marshall, Alistair J. Barclay and Nick Stoodley 2014 Cliffs End Farm Isle of Thanet, Kent A Mortuary and Ritual Site of the Bronze Age, Iron Age and Anglo-Saxon Period, Wessex Archaeology Monograph No. 31
Clemments Park - Journal - WA Ref: 64562
Gareth Chaffey, Gail Wakeham, Matt Leivers and Philippa Bradley 2013 Bronze Age and Anglo-Saxon occupation at Clemments Park, Southend-On-Sea, Transactions of the Essex Society for Archaeology and History 4 40–58
West Thurrock - Journal - WA Ref: 65152
Kevin Ritchie 2013 Further Excavations at a Late Prehistoric and Roman Site at West Thurrock, Transactions of the Essex Society for Archaeology and History 4, 27–39
Osborne House, Chichester - Journal - WA Ref: 74441
Julia Sulikowska 2014 Romano-British activity and medieval clay extraction at Osborne House, Chichester, West Sussex, Sussex Archaeological Collections 152, 1–7
Prentice Place, Harlow - Journal - WA Ref: 73720
Sarah Mounce and Philippa Bradley 2014 A possible Roman tile kiln at Prentice Place, Carters Mead, Harlow, Essex Archaeology and History 5, 200−202
William King Flour Mill, Uxbridge - Journal - WA Ref: 76120
Michael J. Grant, Chris J. Stevens, Nicki J. Whitehouse, David Norcott, Richard I. Macphail, Catherine Langdon, Nigel Cameron, Catherine Barnett, Peter G. Langdon, John Crowder, Nicola Mulhall, Kevin Attree, Matt Leivers, Richard Greatorex and Chris Ellis 2014 A palaeoenvironmental context for Terminal Upper Palaeolithic and Mesolithic activity in the Colne Valley: offsite records contemporary with occupation at Three Ways Wharf, Uxbridge, Environmental Archaeology 19(2), 131–152
A46 - Monograph - WA Ref: 71312
Nicholas Cooke and Andrew Mudd 2014 A46 Nottinghamshire The Archaeology of the Newark to Widmerpool Improvement Scheme 2009, Cotwold Archaeology Monogr. 7, Wessex Archaeology Monogr. 34
Groom's Farm, Frithend - Journal - WA Ref: 59794
Nicholas Cooke and Andrew B. Powell 2014 Prehistoric settlement and a Romano-British pottery productions site at Groom's Farm, Frithend, Hampshire, Proc Hampshire Field Club Archaeol Soc 69, 84–186
The Depot, Holybourne - Journal - WA Ref: 63823
Andrew B. Powell 2014 The Romano-British small town at Neatham: excavation at the Depot site, London Road, Holybourne, 2008, Proc Hampshire Field Club Archaeol Soc 69, 49–81
Picket Twenty, Andover - Journal - WA Ref: 69392
Chris Ellis and Gareth Chaffey 2014 Complex boundary features in the late prehistoric landscape at Picket Twenty, Andover, Proc Hampshire Field Club Archaeol Soc 69, 16–22
Dunbridge, Hampshire - Journal - WA Ref: 69592
Phil Harding and David Bridgland 2014 Lower and Middle Palaeolithic artefacts and other results from river gravels at Dunbridge: important new discoveries, Proc Hampshire Field Club Archaeol Soc 69, 1–15
Hoyle Street, Sheffield - Occasional Paper - WA Ref: 87532
Andrew B. Powell Steelworks, Crucible Furnaces and Workers' Housing Archaeological Investigations at Hoyle Street, Sheffield, Wessex Archaeology
Boscombe, Wiltshire - Journal - WA Ref: 66052
Alistair J. Barclay and Andrew B. Powell 2014 A newly discovered inhumation burial with an amber ‘necklace’ from Amesbury, Wiltshire, PAST 77, 5
Downton Road, Salisbury - Journal - WA Ref: 57811
Jacqueline I. McKinley and Andrew B. Powell 2014 A late 6th–7th century AD child burial off Downton Road, Salisbury, Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine 107, 249–251
The Triangle site, Swindon - Journal - WA Ref: 75381
Sian Reynolds, Rachael Billson, Jacqueline I. McKinley, Lorraine Mepham and Chris J. Stevens 2014 Early Iron Age settlement and Late Iron Age burials at The Triangle Site, South Marston, Swindon, Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine 107, 41–49
Seabed prehistory (Area 240) - Journal - WA Ref: 70755
L. Tizzard, A. R. Bickett, J. Benjamin and D. de Loecker 2014 A Middle Palaeolithic Site in the southern North Sea: Investigating the archaeology and palaeogeography of Area 240, Journal of Quaternary Science DOI: 10.1002/jqs.2743
London Gateway - Booklet - WA Ref: 88631
Toby Gane and Graham Scott 2014 Archaeology from the Sky The Air War over the Thames Estuary, Wessex Archaeology
Den Brook, North Tawton - Journal - WA Ref: 86781
Naomi Brennan and Matt Leivers 2013 A probable Roman Road at Den Brook, North Tawton , Proc. Devon Archaeol. Soc 71, 87–90
Thrapston Road, Spaldwick - Journal - WA Ref: 75070
Susan Clelland and Lorraine Mepham 2014 An Anglo-Saxon site at Thrapston Road, Spaldwick, Cambridgeshire, Proceedings of the Cambridge Antiquarian Society CIII, 117–131
Kennetholme Farm. Midgham - Journal - WA Ref: 71094
Matt Leivers 2013 Kennetholme Farm, Midgham: A Note on some archaeological investigations, Berkshire Archaeological Journal 81, 111–113
Lower Farm, Greenham - Journal - WA Ref: 78760
Matt Leivers 2013 Lower Farm, Greenham: A Note on some archaeological investigations, Berkshire Archaeological Journal 81, 114–115
Newbury Racecourse - Journal - WA Ref: 70092
Andrew B. Powell 2013 A Late Bronze Age ditch and historic building foundations at Newbury Racecourse, Berkshire Archaeological Journal 81, 116–117
Wakefield Cathedral - Journal - WA Ref: 84980
Andrea Burgess, Lucy Dawson, Andrew Norton and Diana Mahoney Swales 2012. Recent discoveries at All Saints Cathedral, Wakefield, West Yorkshire, Church Archaeology 16, 23–37
The Castles - Journal - WA Ref: 65303
Jacqueline I. McKinley 2014 'The Castles', West Shipley Farm, Hamsterley, County Durham, Durham Archaeological Journal 19, 105-6
Binchester, Roman fort - Journal - WA Ref: 65302
Vaughan Birbeck† 2014 A Time Team evaluation at Binchester Roman fort, County Durham, Durham Archaeological Journal 19, 22-32
Kingsgate, Wiltshire - Journal - WA Ref: 85683
Alistair J. Barclay and Andrew B. Powell 2014 A newly discovered inhumation burial with an amber 'necklace' from Amesbury, Wiltshire, PAST 77, 5
Dating the Earliest Neolithic Ceramics - Journal - WA Ref: 73601
Alistair Barclay 2014 Re-dating the Coneybury Anomaly and its implications for understanding the earliest Neolithic pottery from southeast England, PAST 77, 11-13
Horton, Berkshire - Journal - WA Ref: 89661
Mathew Symonds 2014 Horton's Neolithic Houses Exploring a prehsitoric landscape at Kingsmead Quarry, Current Archaeology 292, 24-30
Solent-Thames - Monograph
Gill Hey and Jill Hind (eds) 2014 Solent-Thames Research Framework for the Historic Environment, Resource Assessments and Research Agendas, Oxford Wessex Monogr. 6
A46 - Journal - WA Ref: 71312
Michael Grant and Phil Harding 2014 Farndon Fields, Nottinghamshire: in situ multi-phased Late Upper Palaeolithic activity on the floodplain, PAST 76, 2-3
Wakefield Cathedral - Journal - WA Ref: 84980
Diana Mahoney Swales and Andrew Norton, 2013 Recent Archaeological Investigations at All Siants Cathedral, Wakefield, West Yorkshire, The Yorkshire Forum Jornal: CBA Yorkshire, 2 (29-34)
Truckle Hill - Journal - WA Ref: 74690
Phil Andrews 2014 Two Possible Nymphaea at Truckle Hill, North Wraxall, Wiltshire, Archaeological Journal 170, 106-153
Lodge House - Journal - WA Ref: 84172
Matt Leivers and Chris Harrison, 2014 Excavations at Lodge House, Smalley, Derbyshire, Derbyshire Archaeological Journal 133, 120-145
Wroxeter - Journal - WA Ref: 86452
Romans Around Wroxeter, Current Archaeology 289, 8
Corhampton - Journal - WA Ref: 56664
Susan E. Clelland, Sarah F. Wyles, Michael J. Grant, David Norcott, Lorraine Mepham and Jacqueline I. McKinley, Results of an archaeological watching brief on land adjacent to Warnford Road, Corhampton, Hampshire, Proc. Hampshire Field Club Archaeol. Soc. 68, 1-9
Barton Stacey - Journal - WA Ref: 62414
Rob De'Athe, 2012 Early Iron Age metalworking and Iorn Age/early Romano-British settlement evidence along the Barton Stacey to Lockerley gaas pipeline, Proc. Hampshire Field Club Archaeol. Soc. 68, 29-63
Longforth Farm - Journal - WA Ref: 85401
Wessex Archaeology, 2013 Lonforth Farm, British Archaeology 132, 8
Longforth Farm - Journal - WA Ref: 85401
Wessex Archaeology 2013 Discovering Longforth Farm. On the trail of a Medieval mystery, Current Archaeology 283, 28-33
Little Woodbury - Journal - WA Ref: 57816
Andrew Powell 2013 Early Iron Age inhumations outside Little Woodbury, Wiltshire, PAST 74, 3–4
Oakham Castle (Time Team series 20) - Journal - WA Ref: 85206
Oliver Good and Lorraine Mepham, 2013, Time Team's investigations at Oakham Castle, Rutland, 2012, Rutland Record 33, 131-133
Addington Street - Journal - WA Ref: 55350
Andrew B. Powell and Matt Leivers, 2012, Mesolithic, Neolithic and Bronze Age Activity on an Eyot at Addington Street, Lambeth, Trans London And Middlesex Archaeol. Soc. 63, 10-32
Thames Holocene - Monograph - WA Ref: 59700
Elizabeth Stafford and Martin Bates, 2013, Thames Holocene A Geoarchaeological Approach to the investigation of the Rver Floodplain for High Speed 1, 1994-2003, Oxford Wessex Archaeology
Hoo Road, Wainscott - Journal - WA Ref: 65073
Nicholas Cooke and Rachael Seager Smith, 2013, Prehistoric and Romano-British Activity and Saxon Settlement at Hoo Road, Wainscott, Archaeologia Cantiana 133, 291-293
BAE Systems, Isle of Wight - Journal - WA Ref: 84930
Andrew B. Powell, 2013 Late Prehistoric Settlement Features at Northwood, Cowes, Proc Isle of Wight Nat. Hist. Archaeol. Soc. 27, 43-54
Great Western Dockyard - Journal - WA Ref: 60682
Chris Ellis and Matt Leivers, 2013 Excavations on the site of the Great Western Steamship Company's Engine Works, Bristol, Post-Medieval Archaeology 47/1, 195-221
Park Farm East, Ashford - Journal - WA Ref: 65485
Andrew B. Powell 2013 Settlement and landscape reorganisation from the middle Iron Age to the early Roman period: excavations south-east of Park Farm, Ashford, Archaeologia Cantiana 133, 298-308
Weedon Hill - Journal - WA Ref: 62033
Gail Wakeham and Philippa Bradley, 2013 A Romano-British Malt House and other remains at Weedon Hill, Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire, Records of Bucks. 53, 1-44
Maltings Academy - Journal - WA Ref: 72781
Sian Reynolds, 2011 Excavations of A Late Prehistoric and Medieval Site at Maltings Academy, Spinks Lane, Witham, 2009-2011, The Society for Essex Archaeology & History 2, 58-68
Damascus and Emmaus Houses, Salisbury - Journal - WA Ref: 74240
Sian Reynolds and Andy Manning 2013 Damascus and Emmaus Houses, 58 Barnard Street, Salisbury, Wiltshire, Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine 106, 275-277
Dunbridge - Journal - WA Ref: 69592
Phil Harding, David Bridgland, Peter Allen, Philippa Bradley, Michael J. Grant, David Peat, Jean-Luc Schwenninger, Rebecca Scott, Rob Westaway, and Tom White, 2012 Chronology of the Lower and Middle Palaeolithic in NW Europe: developer-funded investigations at Dunbridge, Hampshire, southern England, Proceedings of the Geologists’ Association 123 (4), 584-607
Countesthorpe - Journal - WA Ref: 75390
Richard O'Neill 2012 Middle Bronze Age cremation burials at Countesthorpe, Leicetershire, Trans Leicestershire Archaeol. and Hist. Soc. 86, 38-48
The Deanery - Journal - WA Ref: 62123
Vaughan Birbeck 2012 Middle Saxon Settlement at the Deanery, Chapel Road, Southampton, Hampshire Studies, 67 (2), 287-316
Vulcan Iron Works - Journal - WA Ref: 73613
Neil Dransfield and Chris Moore 2012 The Vulcan Iron Works, Langley Mill, Derbyshire Archaeological Journal 132, 156-176
Toddington - Journal - WA Ref: 61801
Michael Dinwiddy 2012 A multi-period site at Eden Park (former Toddington Nurseries), Littlehampton, West Sussex, Sussex Archaeological Collections 150, 47-69
A46 - Popular book - WA Ref: 71213
Phil Andrews and Phil Harding 2012 Following the Fosse Way through Nottinghamshire. Archaeology and the A46, Cotswold Wessex Archaeology
Olympic Park - Journal - WA Ref: 74500
Michael J Grant and Chris J Stevens2012 Illuminating the hidden secrets of the London Olympic Park: significance of the environmental archaeology investigations, Association for Environmental Archaeology 118, 18-23
Olympic Park - Popular book - WA Ref: 74500
Andrew B. Powell 2012 Renewing the Past. Unearthing the history of the Olympic Park site, Wessex Archaeology and the Olympic Delivery Authority
Olympic Park - Monograph - WA Ref: 74500
Andrew B. Powell 2012 By River, Fields and Factories: The making of the Lower Lea Valley Archaeological and cultural heritage investigations on the site of the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games, Wessex Archaeology Monograph 29, Wessex and the Olympic Delivery Authority
Down Farm Training excavation - Journal - WA Ref: 56394
Chris Ellis 2012 The Excavation of a Late Bronze Age/Early Iron Age-Middle Iron Age Settlement at Home Field, Down Farm, Sixpenny Handley, Dorset, Proc. Dorset Nat. Hist. Archaeol. Soc. 133, 77-97
London Gateway - Monograph - WA Ref: 72431
Antony Firth, Niall Callan, Graham Scott, Toby Gane and Stephanie Arnott, 2012 London Gateway Martime Archaeology in the Thames Estuary, Wessex Archaeology Mongogr. 30
Wilton, Wiltshire - Journal - WA Ref: 60517
Rob De'Athe, 2012 Early to middle Anglo-Saxon settlement, a lost medieval church rediscovered and an early post-medieval and an early post-medieval cemetery in Wilton, Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine, 106, 117-144
Aldbourne, Wiltshire - Journal - WA Ref: 65080
Nick Stoodley, Anthea Boylston and Jacqueline I. McKinley, 2012 An Early Anglo-Saxon cenetery at Aldbourne, Wiltshire, Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine, 106, 58-95
Dowds Farm, Hampshire - Journal - WA Ref: 62345
S E Clelland 2012 Prehistoric to post-medieval occupation at Dowd’s Farm, Hedge End, Hampshire, Hampshire Studies, 67 (1), 142-173
Southampton Leper Hospital, Hampshire - Journal - WA Ref: 70900
A D Morton and Vaughan Birbeck 2012 Documentary and archaeological evidence of Southampton's leper hospital, Hampshire Studies, 67 (1), 209-217
3-4 South Place, Islington - Journal - WA Ref: 65993
Lorrain Higbee and Chris Ellis Late 15th-early 17th century tanning waste from 3-4 South Place Islington, 2012, WA web report
Milbrook Mews, Milborne Port - Journal - WA Ref: 68781
Jörn Schuster, Steve Thompson and Andrew B. Powell, 2012 Medieval and and post-medieval occupation at Millbrook Mews, Milborne Port, Somerset Archaeology and Natural History 155, 55-66
Horton, Berkshire - Journal - WA Ref: 71808
A Barclay, G Chaffey and Andy Manning, 2012 A possible second Neolithic house and an unusual Mortlake bowl from Kingsmead Quarry, Horton, Berkshire, PAST 71, 1-2
Carisbrooke Castle - Monograph
C.J. Young 2000 Excavations at Carisbrooke Castle, Isle of Wight, 1921-1996, Wessex Archaeology Monograph 18
Potterne - Monograph
Andrew J. Lawson 2000 Potterne, 1982-5 - Animal Husbandry in Late Prehistoric Wiltshire, Wessex Archaeology Monograph 17
A30 Honiton to Exeter Improvements - Monograph
A.P. Fitzpatrick, C.A. Butterworth and J. Grove 1999 Prehistoric & Roman Sites in East Devon - the A30 Honiton to Exeter Improvement DBFO Scheme, 1996-9, volumes 1 and 2, Wessex Archaeology Monograph 16
A35 Tolpuddle to Puddletown Bypass - Monograph
Carrie M. Hearne and Vaughan Birbeck 1999 A35 Tolpuddle to Puddletown Bypass Dbfo, Dorset, 1996-8 incoporating excavations at Tolpuddle Ball 1993, Wessex Archaeology Monograph 15
The Lower Palaeolithic Occupation of Britain - Monograph
John Wymer 1999 The Lower Palaeolithic Occupation of Britain, Wessex Archaeology and English Heritage Monograph in 2 Vols
Thames Valley Park, Reading - Monograph
I. Barnes, C.A. Butterworth, John W. Hawkes and L. Smith 1997 Excavations at Thames Valley Park, Reading, 1986-88, Wessex Archaeology Monograph 14
Newbury, Berkshire - Monograph
A.G. Vince, S.J.Lobb, J.C. Richards amd Lorraine Mepham 1997 Excavations in Newbury, Berkshire 1979-1990, Wessex Archaeology Monograph 13
Westhampnett Bypass - Monograph
A. P. Fitzpatrick 1997 Archaeological Excavations on the Route of the A27 Westhampnett Bypass, West Sussex, 1992. Volume 2 The Cemeteries, Wessex Archaeology Monograph 12
Dorchester Bypass - Monograph
Roland J.C. Smith, Frances Healy, Michael J. Allen, Elaine L. Morris, I. Barnes and P.J. Woodward 1997 Excavations along the Route of the Dorchester Bypass, Dorset, Wessex Archaeology Monograph 11
Reading Waterfront - Monograph
John W. Hawkes and P.J. Fasham 1997 Excavations on Reading Waterfront Sites, 1979-1988, Wessex Archaeology Monograph 5
The Thames and its Tributaries - Monograph
Phil Andrews and Andrew Crockett 1996 Three Excavations Along the Thames and Its Tributaries, 1994 - Neolithic to Saxon settlement and burial in the Thames, Colne and Kennet Valleys, Wessex Archaeology Monograph 10
Lower Kennet Valley, Berkshire - Monograph
S.J. Lobb and P.G. Rose 1996 Archaeological Survey of the Lower Kennet Valley, Berkshire, Wessex Archaeology Monograph 9
Avebury Area, Wiltshire - Monograph
Andrew B. Powell, Michael J. Allen and I. Barnes 1996 Archaeology in the Avebury Area, Wiltshire - Recent discoveries along the line of the Kennet Valley Foul Sewer Pipeline, 1993, Wessex Archaeology Monograph 8
Brighton Hill South - Monograph
P.J. Fasham and G. Keevill 1995 Brighton Hill South (Hatch Warren) - an Iron Age farmstead and deserted medieval village in Hampshire, Wessex Archaeology Monograph 7
Early Settlements in Berkshire - Monograph
I. Barnes, W.A. Boismier, R.M.J. Cleal, A.P. Fitzpatrick and M.R. Roberts 1995 Early Settlement in Berkshire - Mesolithic-Roman occupation in the Thames and Kennet Valleys, Wessex Archaeology Monograph 6
County Hall, Dorchester - Monograph
Roland J.C. Smith 1993 Excavations at County Hall, Colliton Park, Dorchester, Dorset, 1988 in the north-west quarter of Durnovaria, Wessex Archaeology Monograph 4
Jennings Yard - Monograph
John W. Hawkes and Michael J. Heaton 1993 Jennings Yard, Windsor - A Closed-shaft garderobe and associated medieval structures, Wessex Archaeology Monograph 3
Trowbridge Town Centre - Monograph
Alan H. Graham and Susan M. Davies 1993 Excavations in the Town Centre of Trowbridge, Wiltshire, 1977 and 1968-88 - The Prehistoric, Saxon and Saxo-Norman Settlements and the Anarchy Period Castle, Wessex Archaeology Monograph 2
Burghfield Area, Berkshire - Monograph
C.A. Butterworth and S.J. Lobb 1992 Excavations in the Burghfield Area, Berkshire - Developments in the Bronze Age and Saxon Landscapes, Wessex Archaeology Monograph 1